IWO Releases Data Analyzer Tool (IDA, 2021)
This spreadsheet is the result of statistical studies by IWO (Ede, NL). It is a tool to analyze failure (and survival) data and support decision-making…
iRel4.0 (2020-2023)
iRel40 will strengthen the industrial competitiveness of electronic components and systems for transport and mobility, digital industry and energy application by reliability along the value…
FIND-GO (2019-2022)
A future proof electrical infrastructure asset management model based on data driven maintenance methods and strategies IWO contribution: Predictive Health Index and resilience; main focus:…
Power2Power (2019-2022)
Providing next-generation silicon-based power solutions in transport and machinery for significant decarbonisation in the next decade IWO contribution: Systematic product develeopment of power electronics focussing…
High Temperature Superconductivity for Degaussing (2018-2022)
Energy saving: in a conventional degaussing installation the total energy consumption is converted into heat losses in the coils. High Temperature Superconductivity (HTS) open opportunities…
Supernet NL (2015-2019)
Supernet NL designs an HTS cable system for the Dutch Transmission Grid and demonstrates its integrability, reliability and monitoring capabilities. IWO contribution: Expertise on HTS…

Publication of All Electric house
IWO released a publication in three parts on all-electric house (Dutch only) Publication on all-electric house (part 1) Publication on all-electric house (part 2) Publication…

Agricultural Support
IWO supports with Dutch partner agriculture experts the development of small scale agriculture, especially for the primary food chain. The projects we will start with…

Publication about the ‘meerij-aanhanger’
IWO released a publication about the ‘meerij-aanhanger’.
Innovative Onboard grids (2009-2013)
Research into principles and technologies to radically improve the energy supply onboard of ships Partners: Imtech Marine (Lead), TNO,
ITM (2007-2009)
Network management for integration of sustainable energie supply using ICT driven dispersed demand systems IWO contribution: Project Initiative, Socio-Economic study for successful EV implementation, Energy…