R&D, Innovation and Concept development

Power2Power (2019-2022)

Providing next-generation silicon-based power solutions in transport and machinery for significant decarbonisation in the next decade IWO contribution: Systematic product develeopment of power electronics focussing on research of test-methods and applied statistics Result: Improved algorithm for linear regression weights Digital twin concept Application of similarity index to compare distributions Partners: Infineon (Lead), IPbv, Alfen, TU…

High Temperature Superconductivity for Degaussing (2018-2022)

Energy saving: in a conventional degaussing installation the total energy consumption is converted into heat losses in the coils. High Temperature Superconductivity (HTS) open opportunities to apply super conducting cables on board ships, drastically reducing the energy demand of the degaussing system. IWO contribution: Bridging interface between users and researchers Supervision of TUD PhD student…

ITM (2007-2009)

Network management for integration of sustainable energie supply using ICT driven dispersed demand systems IWO contribution: Project Initiative, Socio-Economic study for successful EV implementation, Energy chain studies Partners: KEMA (Lead), ECN, IWO, Enexis DSO, Alliander DSO, Stedin DSO https://www.rvo.nl/subsidies-regelingen/projecten/intelligent-e-transport-management-itm-netwerkmanagement-voor-inpassing-van-duurzaam-energieaanbod